
Grilled as you like it

Soba Kyoshitsu: a handmade soba lesson October 26, 2008

cutting soba tachi-soba style

Our friends Judith and Kurtis are preparing to move back to America soon and as a farewell present to them, the proprietors of our favorite soba restaurant, Shunmi, treated the four of us to a lesson in making handmade soba. We began our lesson by learning about different styles of soba.

Most soba restaurants make Edo soba, but Shunmi specializes in a type of soba known as tachi-soba. While making Edo soba is mostly practiced by men, tachi-soba is the type of soba that is made in the countryside, and the technique is often passed down by the women in the family. Edo soba is prepared by rolling out a very large sheet of dough that is folded several times and then the layers are cut using a pushing motion with a large, hooked knife with a flat blade. On the other hand, tachi-soba is cut with a different style of knife, and the knife is drawn through single sheets of dough that are stacked together. The cutting is done with just the tip of the blade. While Edo soba is cut using a guide board that ensures that each noodle is cut to an even thickness, tachi-soba is cut with no guide, so an evenly thick noodle is a sign of a skilled chef.

Shunmi prepares their noodles fresh every day, judging each morning how many customers they will get depending on the weather. They are only open at lunch and they said that they will get about 30 customers on a sunny day, but only 20 on a rainy day. They serve both ni-hachi soba, or 80% buckwheat and 20% wheat flour with a bit of egg and tororo-imo (ground yama-imo), and ju-wari soba, which is 100% buckwheat and water. After seeing how much work goes into the handmade noodles, it is amazing that we can buy their lunch set with tea, dessert, pickles, and seasonal tempura vegetables for just 1000 yen.

ready to make soba: enameled bowls filled with pure buckwheat flour

To make the soba, we began by putting 500 grams of buckwheat flour into a large laquered bowl. The water is usually about 50% of the amount of flour by weight, so we measured 250 mL into measuring cups. The amount of water needed can vary with the temperature, humidity, and other weather conditions, so it’s added gradually. First we added half the water and used our fingertips to mix the water into the flour and rub and big lumps with the flour, creating a mix that looked about like panko breadcrumbs. Then we added half of the remaining portion of water and mixed again. Our goal was to create an even mix that looked almost like beach sand. We added more water, little by little, using our fingertips to rub the pieces of dough together. When the dough bits had gathered into lumps about the size of small potatoes, we smooshed them all together and kneaded the ball until it was smooth. Then we split the dough in half, and rolled each half into a ball and rolled the ball on the side of the enamel bowl to smooth out any wrinkles. We flattened each ball into a disc and put one in plastic while we rolled the other.

Making the soba: the dough beginning to come together | the dough kneaded into a smooth ball

We rolled the dough out on a large wooden board with a long rolling pin. We were taught to push the pin with our palms, moving them in circles to press the dough and gradually rotate it on the board. After the dough is rolled into a large circle, we had to focus our rolling on the corners to create a relatively square piece about a millimeter and a half thick. My first circle didn’t start off very well, so our teachers called it the “map of the world soba.” After my troublesome first attempt I had a much better time with my second piece. I really enjoyed rolling the soba: the long, circling motions and the dry “swish swish” sound of our floury hands on the rolling pins was very meditative and relaxing.

the sheets of dough

After we had each rolled our two sheets of dough, we stacked them all together and then cut our noodles. We took turns cutting by laying our hand lightly on top of the layers of dough and using the back of our thumbs to guide the knife, cutting thin, even strips. As we drew the knife along, it was amazing to watch the noodles gracefully fall to the side, our dough becoming soba.

Next we learned to make Judith’s favorite soba topping, kurumi sauce (walnut sauce). We started with a mix of toasted sesame seeds and walnuts, about 50 mL per serving. We ground the nuts and seeds until smooth in a suribachi then added a bit of hot water to help bring out the fragrance. Finally we mixed in soba tsuyu, about 100 mL per serving, to give the sauce the proper taste and texture. It’s easy!

Oh yeah, except that the hardest part might be making a delicious tsuyu. Shunmi starts by making kaeshi, a seasoned soy sauce mixture made with soy sauce, sugar, and mirin. They age the kaeshi to develop flavor for 3 months. After that, they mix it with homemade dashi to make the finished tsuyu. Of course, they wouldn’t share their secret recipe, but they gave us a hint that they use 3 kinds of katsuo to get the proper flavor.

our soba, cooked and ready to eat – you can see that some of the noodles from the irregular ends are a little short

We finished with a lesson on how to cook the noodles properly. They use a huge pot of boiling water to cook the noodles. They cook each portion by itself, not 4 portions in the pot at once. They usually cook the noodles for just 60 seconds. Since our beginner’s noodles were a little thicker than usual, we cooked them for 70 seconds. After removing the noodles from the hot water, it’s important to wask off the excess starch by rubbing them vigorously in a colander with cold running water. Then we dipped them in a bowl of ice water. Finally the noodles were ready to serve. We piled them on a zaru (strainer) and put bowls of kurumi sauce next to them. They also made us some fall-vegetable tempura, served with regular tsuyu, and delicious pickled cabbage and cucumbers with shiso buds. They served the pickles with a yuzu-soy dressing that gave them a completely different, and of course still delicious, flavor.

The finished meal: homemade soba; eggplant, cucumber and cabbage tsukemono; tempura of fall vegetables, green beans, and kurumi (walnut) sauce

We finished the meal, as always, with a pitcher of hot soba cooking water, which is called o-yu. After you’ve eaten all of your noodles, you pour some of the hot, starchy water into your dipping sauce to make a tasty soup that you can drink. It’s thought that drinking the soup with the cooking water is very healthy.

Our teachers even sent us home with the leftover noodles, but unfortunately we couldn’t eat them fast enough. If you want to enjoy the taste of fresh soba, you’ve got to make it the same day. I tried my hand at making my own tsuyu, and while it was good, it doesn’t measure up to Shunmi’s.

Our soba making lesson was one of the most fun and educational things that I’ve done in Japan. Of course, with typical Japanese hospitality, our hosts wouldn’t let us pay for our lesson, ingredients, or even our dinner, saying that they’re glad to do it for us. We had thought this might happen so of course we brought some omiyage, but it’s such a small thing compared to such amazing generosity and teaching. Alex and I are looking forward to many more happy lunches at Shunmi in the future. I also hope that after we return to America (someday) I’ll be able to remember my lessons and make my own inaka soba at home.


Taki’s Soba September 12, 2008

Recently my supervisor invited me to his house to play Wii with his kids and have handmade soba for dinner. We had gone out for soba lunch before and talked about how I would miss fresh soba in America because I can’t get it there. He said he likes to make soba a few times a year and would like us to join him for dinner. After we arrived he set up the Wii and we played a few games together before he snuck away to make the soba. I was a little distracted by the games, so I didn’t get to see the whole noodle-making process, but here are some photos that I was able to get between turns on Wii Sports.

First he mixed the buckwheat flour, a little bit of wheat flour for elasticity, and water in a large, flat enameled bowl. Then he kneaded the mix together to make a dough (sorry, I didn’t take any pictures up to that point). Then he got out a large wooden board (it must have been at least a meter square), put it on the dining table and rolled out the dough. Occasionally he would roll the dough around the long rolling pin and rotate it. After it was rolled thinly enough, he folded it into a packet, gave it a few more rolls to press it to an even thickness and cut the noodles. Soba cutting knives are big specialty knives that remind me a little bit of Klingon blades from Star Trek. They have a long, flat cutting surface and your hand is positioned over the midpoint of the blade instead of behind it as it would be on a chef’s knife. They look pretty scary, but the shape and heft of the knife really work well for cutting noodles.

While my supervisor made the noodles, his wife harvested some vegetables from the kitchen garden and made tempura of shishito, okra, shiso, and chicken. One of my shishito was what’s known as a “bomb pepper.” Even though they come from the same plant, most are mild but some are really spicy.

copyright 2008 LMS


Yukiya Soba May 12, 2008

ten-zaru soba

J and K took us to their favorite soba restaurant, Yukiya (Yugiya?), recently. It’s on the north end of Maebashi, near K’s school. They have ju-wari soba (100% buckwheat) and ni-hachi (80% buckwheat and 20% wheat), inaka soba (country-style, the flour is ground more coarsely) and an extra-fancy type whose name I can’t remember now. J had the ten-don and soba set, K had the extra-fancy type which was served with freshly grated wasabi, Alex had the duck soup and soba, and I had the ten-zaru soba. The tempura that came with my set was maitake mushroom, green pepper, and chikuwa. Another culinary revelation, tempura fried chikuwa (fish cake) is really good – light textured, crisp on the outside, and slightly meaty. Alex’s duck soba set was really tasty too, with a hot, hearty duck soup and sliced duck breast salad. Everything was really delicious, so I am hoping to go back and try some more of their dishes. Of course, it might be a while before we make it back because it’s not near anywhere else that we go regularly and there are probably a hundred soba restaurants between our house and there.

fresh wasabi and a ceramic grater – kamo-jiru, duck soup

the soba menu at Yukiya

We rode our bikes along the river to get there and saw these adorable ducks. As you can see, one is trying to be “the nail that stands up.” These pictures are actually from early April, so the cherry blossoms were at their peak that day. The white flecks on the water are sakura petals.

some ducks cruising on the river; the white flecks in the water are fallen cherry blossom petals


Soba Lunch and Ume Blossoms March 14, 2008

Last Sunday we tried a new soba restaurant. I don’t know the name of it, but it is in a little house by the river, so we’ll call it Riverside Soba. Here they serve two kinds of handmade soba, 2-8, which means 80% buckwheat flour to 20% wheat flour, and ju-wari, which is 100% buckwheat flour. We decided to get the lunch set, which was green tea, seasonal tempura, a plate of cold soba with dipping sauce, dessert, and black tea or coffee. We also tried the maitake tempura. The ju-wari soba was chewy and delicious, while the tempura was crisp and fresh tasting. The lunch set was 1000 yen, or about 10 dollars, and the maitake tempura was 300 yen; an excellent price for an excellent meal.

After lunch we went to Annaka-machi to view the ume (plum) blossoms. Although it was still a bit too early in the season for most of the trees, some of them were in bloom. It looks like it will be really beautiful by next weekend. Of course, that means it will probably be ridiculously crowded, too. We were able to enjoy a pleasant stroll around the plum blossom park in relative solitude and could still enjoy seeing the blossoms on the few trees that were flowering. We also found Obāchan’s Umeboshi, where a local family was selling their homemade fruit products outside their house. We bought some ume jam and neri ume (umeboshi paste).

update: the name of the restaurant is Shunmi, which means the essence of flavor.